#436: How To Cut Loose and Break Free… I Think

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ghosts, chris rock, aliens, pulling, podcast, neal brennan, interesting, dan pena, number, watching, talking, fucking, great, rule, spreadsheets, shit, weird, galileo, pick, dude


sweat equity podcast and streaming show the number one comedy music fee money podcast in the world.


Pragmatic entrepreneurial vessel told you you don't get to make requests real wiener jokes. You don't like raw dog talk. Secondly, listen to us on iTunes Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast. iHeart Radio app. Pandora, maybe Sirius XM, this podcast, you could have looked it up in between. I was looking at it. I got two things for this episode, the 8020 rule and how entrepreneurship can be gleaned from Jin V villians. And Loki. Ooh, who's a nerd.


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Let's get this party started


listening to the sweat equity podcast, give a little pragmatic knowledge now get our found this. This app website, whatever you want to call SAS product.


Be more specific. Now. If you listen to the last podcast with Dan Pena, he says, you know doing shit and spreadsheets ain't gonna get you far. Yeah, as far as taking action. That's what I was talking about. It's very confusing. If they didn't listen to the last episode, knowing Dan Pena is the asshole motivator guy. He's the Dennis Hopper. Look at it. Dude, you gotta take it with a grain of salt. He kind of wears Gordon Gekko suits and


basically talk shit a lot. Yeah, he's like Don Rickles of the business motivational speaker if I got anything from Dan Pena today, other than a good laugh. Uh, well, I think it hurt your feelings. I think it is sensitive. Yeah, hurt my feelings. I think so remember that? You get over. You couldn't get over. I'm just yelling at people.


Because your coach read? Yes. Your empathetic coach. Yeah. Yeah. But I found this, to talk to me about it. If we give anything in this episode, that's kind of pragmatic advice. It's, it's saved me a lot of time with, like Google Sheets or Excel. It's called rose.ai. And it's it's simplified a lot of like, you're like, oh, I need to know how to do this formula, and stuff like that for sheets or Excel. And you know how painstaking it is to find the video to show you how to do it. And then you have to do it. Are you sure there's not just like shortcuts? No. Well, that's I'm saying this is like, this is the ultimate shortcut. It's gotten easier. You can do a lot of stuff with using chat GBT. Don't get me wrong, but I'm talking about in the app itself. I'm talking about like, Yeah, I'm talking about like, pulling API's and stuff. It gets kind of complicated sometimes, or pulling live data or something like that into a spreadsheet. Okay. This simplifies a lot of it. I liked I Oh, there was a time when that would give me major nerd voter. Down city. Hey, I'm talking to you pass to you.


But that's really deep in it, though. Yeah, but you can Google Data Studio, so it's like, you got to


kick around that studio in a minute. I'm saying you've been in there. There's other people saying like, if if that had come, you know, like about two years ago, there's no be like, Oh, fuck, yeah. Well, one of my favorite jokes on late night, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It was something like it's scary. Like when you accidentally open Excel. They're like Oh,


Whoo. Yeah. Because that's how most people feel. What? Yeah.


So like spreadsheets, I like him. But like,


you can get deep in it and you're like, I will figure this out this VLOOKUP formula, or whatever the fuck concat formula. And it's like, a part of me hates my life that I'm in it and trying to figure it out. But


to be a PE, coach, why? Why not? I don't spreadsheets. I'll take the spreadsheets. I think I don't have the patience you do.


You're much more patient than I am with, like, kind of day to day interactions with people.


I don't know. I mean, I, I almost feel like I need to be less patient with some of these kids. That's fair. meet in the middle. I was saying it fun on look. In different life, I would love to be a football coach. But


that's a different life. That's a lot of work. That's a lot of time is all I'm saying. Yes, that is true. And I was reflecting the other day, I was like, Hey, I've kind of set because I used to get pissed about working in offices in house or something where people just bug you all the time where you get calls nonstop. Right? And it's like, now I have a life where a lot of the days I don't talk to anybody want to so I was like very great. grateful for that. That I was trying to reflect on good stuff. We will regretful for the that I've kind of set my life up workwise that I don't have to I don't have to take so many inbound like just people calling all the time. Yeah. bothering you for bullshit like that. But


yeah, I don't have that.


100 conversations I don't necessarily want to be in. Look, I got asked to go do the the great American teach. And I was like, pass. I don't want to go do that.


For my kids


are too young for you to get in there. And I tried it. My kids were in kindergarten. I was like this you you guys. Yeah. I mean, they don't really understand what that does. Anyway. So Right. It needs to be a very broad job. Well, I would I'm firefight I could talk. I could talk about advertising. I mean, you go in, they get beat up. Yeah. Yeah. They'll be like, No. Shit. It's not hard to you just got it takes like a day. No. Yeah, I know. We talked about it. What a couple episodes ago, how


the barrier to entry was not very high. Yeah, they need people that want to do it that right thing? And it's very, I don't know, I know, it hurts to say on the backside of things like there are a good number of requirements that I have to fill. Sure. That being said, I have like five years to do it. But I'm saying like, I think it would hurt my heart a lot. Some of the stories you've told me off air, that you know how these kids were growing up? Yeah, it would think it would weigh on me a lot.


And trust me, like when it comes to that sort of thing. You and I are very similar. You know,


you compartmentalize in a way but like,


well, it's such you can't do what you want to do to help. I think that's that, right? You can't help everybody in the way you want to.


But at the same time, you do have to take everything with a grain of salt just because


middle schools so weird for humans, that age is so weird, where, like, not everything is the way it's presented to you. They're starting to get these, you know, attitudes and ideas. And they're not all like, yeah, sure the hormones problem. Jerk. But like, that's my big mouth is great. Yeah.


That's gotta watch that sister. Use lessons out. Yeah.


I don't know. It's just one of those things. It's like, all I can do is


do my best to the PE coach. Maybe it makes them want to come to school every day. I don't know. But yeah, and yeah, I don't think that's for me, but thanks.


Where do you want to? I'm trying to think of you as a PE coach, would it be like I could do it but I I would be such so salty in the morning every day, like get up and be like,


I don't want I just things have been going relatively well, with Tokunaga to SEO ba.ga is the website if you want to go there.


And things are moving in the right trajectory that way. It's just I gotta get more consistent day to day week to week with myself. That's, that's where I'm working on.


What I'm learning is it's more


you know, big picture and enjoying things, day to day moment to moment. You know, because it's like


a lot of it is just trying to get parties


Patient and just, you know, instilling that like, Hey, you're gonna need to be active for the rest of your life get used to it. Right, right, right.


But where does it go? Well, that's no i can i can segue that because you remember, I believe we were talking about off air, I was like, I'm gonna go to the stand up club nearby after this, because I just need to kind of show up. Because a lot of a lot of what you want to do, the job you want to get is just kind of being around and showing you did rebreather


ad. Here's a real thought. I was thinking about this a lot. The last couple of weeks 80% of business is following up. Now,


we've talked about it on the show, like years ago, a lot. But I was really thinking about, again, if you close your eyes, if you're listening, close your eyes, if you're driving, don't do it. Don't close your eyes there. But if you're just trying to imagine all the people that you've kind of respect that are successful in your life.


They're usually very good about following up in like, in like personal life. Yeah. Not even talking about their profession. Yeah, the people that are Johnny on the spot reliable. Hey, don't be flaky. You mentioned this, Hey, look this up Maria, or you need the hook up for this. Yes. For you know, those people that follow up all the time, you know, I look at that, and I kind of admire those kinds of people in my life, you know? Yes, they're all successful. Yeah. Right. I feel like that's a trait of a successful person. Then I was thinking about 8020 rule, and why that kind of exists. Okay? You know, the 8020 rule. I got a parallel for you when you're done. The Pit, Pareto Pareto Principle, an Italian economist,


red flag, I know.


It's an 8020 rule.


Just to trust me take a moment, take off your pants,


Ville Fredo Vilfredo, Pareto PA, r, e, t, O R.


So you know, for those that don't know, or don't know how to define it, it's the concept that suggests roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes.


And so 80% of Italy's land was owned by 20% of the population back in 1906.


Okay, so it's interesting, but yeah, it's still lag time. My parallel is 80% of the problems come from 20% of the kids. Right? It is very strange. Like, I've told you like, I don't think there's one bad kid at that school because I thought if I talked to any of them individually, good kids, when they start to get together and they get influenced by other kids or group a tick up on the link is gonna mess around today. And then it's like, then the infighting Yeah, it's a it's a cascading effect, where it's just like, Oh, you just got to. I've said that again, on certain certain situations. I've said that about top NFL draft picks, I don't think I think a lot of them are very good players a lot of the time that can go to bad franchises. Where that kind of seeps in Yeah, NFL for sure. It matters where you go, who you're with. My parents are asking me about Baker Mayfield on the Bucs. And I go well, he's the number one pick and he won the Heisman and then he went to the browns and I think, you know, he did as much as he could, but I think when you're in a weird losing kind of, you know, you're always coming into this right now. Why are they still called the browns? What is What does that even mean? It's the last name of the show. I know but I'm being just as they really, they really need to have a different logo than just an orange helmet. Right? Which doesn't make sense, right? Why isn't it brown? Well, they need to just apply the dog or the L for whatever something or is the picture of the fucking guy the team's name. Who just came up with a great idea poop emoji they need to make that go so fuckin epic viral, whatever, just like millions of dollars and in merch sales. Hey, emojis the number one universal language just saying guys. Hieroglyphics you get that international appeal.


So 8020 Rule I've been thinking about a lot we pitch it right now to the Cleveland Browns. Dear Cleveland Browns. Listen up browns, you do direct to camera if you want. We are we are always directing. I know but your eyeline I'm saying okay, who are you talking to me? Yeah, well, I know how to do it. Pitch it. Cleveland Browns change your the whole thing changes all these you change the name of the team first. If you don't want to do that. Make it the poop emoji on the side of the helmet. Make that your logo.


Please. We'd buy it. Just let me run clean on that. Yeah. It's all about the clips. Right. Okay, we got it. We'll get it. Perfect. We're gonna cut it up money now. To the right people send it. Here's a couple of stats on the 8020 rule 80% of


companies profits come from 20% of the customers


80% of sales come from 20% of the products for activity 80% of results come from 20% of the efforts in software 80% of software bugs come from 20% of the code. It's just a weird, you know, we talked about synchronicities. We talked about weird kind of patterns, you know, I mean, are all those true? Or is it just like ideas? Those were pulled from? I think Gallup and


like, s are verified legit? Well, I mean, you can't.


It's obviously broad strokes. But it was at least I pull. I tried to pull everything that came from studies for these. Yes. Okay, good. Yeah. We want to keep it legit. Well, you know, I was already curious about this and kind of looking at it. And just like, let's make sure they have sources to it. I look, I was pulling up. The other article I sent to you about media confidence is at an all time record low since 2016. Believe. And so now, I've bitched about this a lot. But like, every time I read an article, if I do from a news story, I have to go look the sources out because I gotta make sure. You know, they just didn't go, oh, you said this. It's like when you talk to someone and they go, you call me a fat hoe. And I was like, I was singing a rap song. You just took that way out of context. Yeah. Or something like that. You know, they just pull one part out of it that makes sense to their narrative. Oh, for sure. All the time. But you pick that out right away, right? You don't actually have to pull these sources


for this weird article. Well, I have a weird brain where I can remember a lot of stats. Oh, the author of that reminds me of Neal Brennan bit. What? Well, three mics. He know he was too long story about how you went to a dinner. That was certain like there was like, just every Hall of Fame comedian you could think of?


And I forget, we like Chris Rock and just that level.


Yes, sure. Think of all the greats, Neal Brennan was there Bernhardt and


and somebody went up. I guess whoever was thrilled with that is really good story when I know anybody other than Neal Brennan. But they got up really, man, it was great for me to be here in front of all my Comedy Idols. And he said that Chris Rock yelled out, and Neal Brennan.


And then, you know, Brennan says, you know, I really thought about I wish there was a way that Chris Rock could be embarrassed in front of all his peers one day.


Well, you know what, very nice tight joke speaking kind of that kind of plays into what we're talking about, about like kind of showing up businesses about following up.


Chris Rock would go to a lot of dinner parties of very intelligent people, and just be go to get he made himself be able to get into these, like fancy dinner parties are like, very intelligent people. Okay, just to show up and absorb it. Which I find interesting, because it's that thing of like, you never want to be the smartest person in the room. Right kind of deal. And if you are, you should get out of there. If you can. Yeah, and you should always kind of seek that out. I thought that's pretty interesting. Like not not entertainment people though. Yeah. I've never heard that. But I believe it Chris Rock is. I bet you he's got some crazy smarts that just aren't public. Just use the minutes comedy. Oh, yeah. He's a brilliant guy.


You know, some more ad 20s. Do you want some more now? Really? I get it. Well, I think


give me money. How about follow up, though? Because follow up is really what I'm talking about. Follow up? Is everything in business. I feel like it hit me whenever you got it. Well, how about management stuff like 80% of employees prefer immediate feedback to annual reviews.


I think that's so undervalued. In business. In sales, follow up contact 80% of the sales require five follow up phone calls after me after the meeting. So we're just using facts with the number 80. And it just I thought, I'm keying them up, teeing them up for you. 80 year old grandma up he's 20 times today. But here's something interesting with sales 44% of sales reps give up after one follow up. I just find that I find that very interesting. Yeah. So I believe it. Gallup S H r m are the main two


of these. Yeah, studies. So I don't know, the more I was thinking about that. My follow up game is kind of atrophied a bit. So I was working on that. And then this 8020 thing got in my head and I was like, this might be interesting for the show.


Well, 80% of the time


20% funny. I just read the more I think about a


He percent of businesses follow up. The more I the more you kind of chalk it up, you know? Yeah. What does that mean? It's not just saying here's this going back to just using the number 80. No. Well, I'm talking about in management, as well. Project management and management of employees.


Your effort, time. Yes. All those things. Yeah.


Yeah, no. Yeah, sure. What do you got something to bring to the you've talked about?


What that up to anyway? 150 Yeah. So I'm like that teach me well, you're not a math teacher. That's right.




I lost the track about it. I another rabbit hole. I went down nerd style was I was looking up Arabic.


Arabic. Like, the things that came out and long, long time ago, like Galileo gets a lot of credit.




the Arabic


came up with like, the Arabic like, nations, I'm trying to figure out how to say it correctly. Like came up with algebra. Right, right. And then some sneaky Italian comes along, Galileo steals it, it kind of got whitewash. This is what I was thinking about. I was like, Galileo gets on credit. They had a fucking globe like, like 1000 years before Galileo. Yeah, if not longer, who fucking knows anymore? They had like, I was looking up like old school compasses, and,


and telescopes and stuff. They had this shit, way back in the day, which by the way, the shit looks cool as fuck. It's like, it's like something you know what I'm gonna say? What is that? We don't know. It could have been 10,000 years ago, they could have had spaceships flying around and it got all destroyed and we just don't know it. You know, a spark podcast just told me the fact that you know media confidence is at an all time low. Where do you hear that? It's this podcast called sweat equity. Sweat equity. pod.com I've moved past aliens demonic ghosts now. Oh my God. Are you turning into a turquoise jewelry? Like, fuck and right wing. close minded asshole. Counterfeits and you're getting


ghost. Why ghosts because they had a show on.


HBO max that I've been watching about it. Ghost Adventures. Oh, boy. Is it what? Why don't I know about God? I just there's a lot of crazy shit that they get on camera that it's like it's got to be all connected with aliens and all this other stuff? We don't know. So ghosts or aliens? Why? Sure. Why not? They could be there's gonna be some through line here of like, oh, well they go into this plane of existence and you just can't see it. This is another plane of existence that we flared spaceships around nine yet. II it's well, I'll give you a rival the movie. Okay, have you watch that? Oh, that oh, that's the name of the movie arrivals that the one with a that's the one with like, where they have like a giant spaceship just sitting there for months and months. That's well, that's the one we're like aliens are like a gaseous like they don't even know what it is kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. I'll go with you on that. You know, I'm not saying I know any of what it is. But I think it's gonna get kind of crazy soon. So what about ghosts specific? So


I'm just, I'm asking questions. Don't get offended. Fuck you.


I'm not trying to be passive aggressive, and I'm trying to ask questions. Is it dead people? Ghost? Oh, for sure. Okay, so it's not just hey, this is what I've learned about ghosts. Tell me what you've learned about usually, it's somebody who's been like murdered or committed suicide. It's like somebody who met an untimely death usually.


But I'll tell you why. watching this show, they are either the greatest actors you've ever seen in your life, or they have had a lot of coincidental things happen to them. Like, dude, there's they have video of a rock, levitating off the floor and hitting the guy in this in the foot. They've got. There's 100 different things you could see. They'd be like, Wow, that's tough to explain. That's tough to explain. That's tough, too. And it's just like, man, you watch enough and you're like, I think that's real. I think it's real now. Why not? It I want to believe so are watching it. I didn't Why watch it. Turn it.


It is funny in its own way. That's a pesky ghost just to pick up a little rock and hit him in the shoe. No, I mean, that's when it comes to ghost energy. Do you understand what it takes for a ghost to do that? Oh, no, I'm all about big ghost energy. What I mean?


Oh, I don't say like they they have a hard time like manifest that to suck your energy to be able to do stuff apparently.


But there is an entertainment factor of it or because it's three dudes or totally bros that are just like, you just here


Did you talk about like wrong? Like, just like, somewhat like homo insecurity? Things were like, it sounds like cocaine energy. Yeah. Oh, for sure.


But like, yeah, the one guy, he does seem like at one point, he did a lot of cocaine to do this stuff. But


where do you have a trouble kind of assessing real world? You know? No, no, because Oh, yeah, no, I encourage you to just have a good time watching it, take it for what it is blue that or don't believe it, but it's entertaining. If you sit there and go, Hey, that could be real, it's entertaining. Look, I've told you with aliens, I want to believe but I'm a skeptic on the information of stories that are put out there. Just be patient with you know, you will find out all the things you know, that's fair, you know, I think you have to open your mind or heart or whatever to, to these things, the right be closed off, otherwise, you'll never see it. If it is real. That's, that's my whole thing. I think that I would say that's the thing with personal relationships, too. Yeah. Like if you if you don't realize that you're closed off, you know, you have to kind of be open to be able to, you know, right. That's the that's my number one thing. I want to push the attitude of like, hey, nobody knows fucking shit. Stop acting like you know everything and just be open minded. Like, that's all I want. No, I don't care if I look like a fucking idiot. When somebody pulls the veil down and it's like these. zillions roll puppets you dork. Yeah. I don't care. Like just whatever. I'll be like, hey, at least I gave it a shot. At least I had fun watching the ghosts show. Yeah, if you're entertained, by all means, like, I don't love horror movies, but I get it's a form of entertainment and people like it. And it's not it's not for me, but you know, I don't think I don't think it's a bad thing. Yeah, like that. I guess. It's like, if you live your life closed down like that. It's just what do you have to look forward to? Yeah, you know, no, I guess my interests are more into


I don't know. I guess the outcome for me is like, it doesn't really change whether I believe or not almost. And it's like, it's not that exciting. I don't have a natural proclivity for wanting to look into this stuff that much, you know, no, I get lots of people like that. But like, again, I want there to be aliens. I think it's cool. I just I'm skeptical and the evidence I guess that's presented a lot of the time because it does seem bullshit.


Well, I'd like to think I would like to see you make a better effort on the evidence there's wow so much out there. Yeah, no, but I got so much I know I have to pick through it. But like once you go through the preponderance of it, it's hard to be like boohoo I know that in my head I'm like yeah, I would like to go down that rabbit hole a little bit but I also like I've got a lot more to prioritize that is like a never ending queue you know? Sure that


I can see the forest for the trees to get over that hump to have the time to be able to go down YouTube rabbit holes like I used to, you know, yeah, I guess if I'm talking to every man out there woman whoever just if somebody shows up Louis check this out this video. Don't shut down right away. Be like, don't start trying to pick it apart. Just be like, Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, I don't react. Leave it open. That's for anything I'm trying to be like Alien like just in general like a try not to be the judge and jury. But I'm just throwing it out there that you went from at the beginning of this Convo.


You do sound like a like a wellness lady, a holistic wellness lady that wears turquoise jewelry because you're like, Well, I went from aliens to ghosts now.


And I want to sell you some fun. Can't wait to see what I do next. Yeah, you're gonna show up and Birkenstocks. They're making a comeback, dude. I'm gonna Birkenstocks. That's, I mean, what else? What would be the next progression? What is like an old Afrikaans? Like middle Afrikaans now I see you as a 50 year old woman in like Arizona. Yeah, you know, New Mexico Santa Fe. Lots of lots of crazy should have happened out there. Oh, for sure. Yeah, ghosts and aliens. Yeah, love the desert. Yeah, they love the desert for some reason. It's because there's nobody around them.


What their privacy just like you and I What about Hollow Earth? Where are we on that? Who knows? Maybe it's hollow. I don't know anymore. Well, it's kind of like space is interesting to me. I've been going more into that stuff like us for space on past space. Well, I what's going on down here that we got to worry about for space to come into play. That's where I was gonna go. I do find exploration in the sea. Pretty interesting.


to how we can't really get that far down. Yeah, you know, we had that horrible tragedy of that.


That note, well, there's that I'm talking about the makeshift submarine that Yes. imploded by a PlayStation controller. Yeah. 100 yards down or something like, no, they were they were deep, or they got crushed from the pressure. I thought the pressure like it kicked in, like, pretty soon or something. I don't think so. But I guess they would have been found because they would have oh, it just sinks to the bottom. Oh, yeah. Have you ever? Like, have you ever looked at the deepest hole that's ever been dug? You know, I think the Russians to start being dig to the fucking center. Do you think they got like, nine miles down or something? You will get that. And then you look at how far nine miles is compared to the diameter of the Earth and you're like, they're not even close? Who knows what's going on down there? We don't really know. Yeah, we have we drilled that far down. I think it's nine miles. Now you're talking about a hole you're talking about a hole is talking about a hole that they're trying to dig into the earth to get to the core. You know, I think they were just like, we'll see how deep we could dig this shit. My kids are on the beach. And they're like, I'm gonna dig to China. And I was thinking about I was like, what would be the opposite of where we are right now? Like, you'd be in the Indian Ocean?


Yeah. Okay. Let's see.


Russians project took 20 years to complete 40,000 feet deep.


So is that why would they tell me?


What how many feet 40,000 feet? Not that fells? 5000 feet ish. Yeah. So eight miles and chain so it's pretty damn close.


Think about that. Greater than Mount Everest. Sure. Yeah. But did you also know that if you took the if you took the earth and compared it to like acuball And you took even with the deepest parts of the ocean and the tallest mountains we have that the earth and they were the same size? The Earth would be smoother than acuball Would given like the inconsistencies in Cuba? Think about that. That's something the earth is fucking huge. So you're saying that we can even valleys are as big as the peaks? No, I'm saying that they're so they're so minuscule compared to the diameter of the Earth they don't matter that much. The cueball is just as smooth at least interesting. Where do you where do you hear that? I hold that up yeah that because that my cue balls are pretty pretty right


let's see how smooth the zeros


no boy you gotta go you gotta go to chat GPT for that one.




Corazon were it's like kind of like a


white collar Reddit.


People ask a lot of questions on there. Now it's user answered so sometimes it's tough.


And then they have those tricky ads that look like answers


I don't even know this is a terrible that's Oh, that'll be homework for next episode because we're okay.


Here's where they just debunked what I just said. Is the earth as smooth as billiard balls know from what you read all your southwest Wellness Coach okay.


You're the funny hat though. Thank you. You'll do acid with your nieces and nephews


I'm trying to like get


well oh my god that just fucking while you're looking at this ad this one with a bunch of ads in it. Terrible.


Mariana Trench fun stuff like that. Look, if you made it to the end of this episode, you know, good on you, too. They just break it down way too far.


But if you want to, anyways, what I said might not be my might not be correct. But it doesn't change the fact that the peaks and valleys that we have are dipshit to compare to what what the entire thing is look if you took anyway, anything away from the last half of this episode be giros. Big, big curious. Oh, yeah. Be curious. In the year this big. I don't have a lot of time for people that aren't curious. Yeah, me too. I'm like, don't you think that's interesting? They're like, Oh, I hate that.


You get a look of like, What are you talking about? Right. Like, I was just telling you something cool. Yeah. Like that's guaranteed, even though I'm wrong. But you know, don't you think it's interesting or sleep or sleep patterns or dogshit in America?


Don't you find that interesting? Well, that's because there's sleep survey.


I was pulling up. Now.


The reasons people stay up at night made me laugh. This is why I wanted to bring it up to you. So this is a US News survey that had 1200 people and I want to know who they surveyed.


Or the National Sleep Foundation as you can see the list, they surveyed the people in their office


number one, I should have I should have hid it from you and did did. What's the Family Feud on you? Number one, number one reason people stay up at night inflation, dude, I don't know what


I was gonna go money, right money that's different than inflation. Most Americans don't have $500 saved up. Right.


That's not inflation. That's because of inflation. But oh, just we're talking about saving habits before inflation is a small percentage of that, but COVID-19 is the second one. Did they guck you? Fuck you IQ us? National Sleep Foundation shit. Bullshit is just absolute lies. gun violence in America. Okay, maybe. Again, if you look up the fear of the fallacy of Fear Index, we're safer than we've ever been. Right? But we're more scared than we've ever been back to the media. low confidence, right? Climate change. What? They did this at a university or something. I don't get it in a different video from the list. The fifth one, the fifth one is the funniest of 2023 It's the 2024 presidential election keeps people up. I don't think so. Right. Who did they survey? That's terrible. I think they're more they're more personal for everybody. And then the worst habit is going to bed at different times. screentime in bed, eating too much before bed. We're fat as a country, falling asleep with the TV on rules and pulling all nighters number five, pulling all nighters What the hell does that mean? Not being able to sleep that's the one of the worst that's that's eating its own tail that the as our buddy Dean Akers has said the best employees work six hours out of an eight hour day right right point on it only works two right? Well, let's go fine. Let's go goes honey. Okay. There's God's swear to god


See, that's the other thing and with that is like the skeptical part of me goes eyewitness accounts are bullshit when you break them down like they've they've done those studies do this those go but this goes beyond eyewitness they I don't know on camera.


It's fun. I don't trust the production team is a fun thing. That's not HBO that's Max show.


That a new HBO show Saturday? Yeah, he goes they go poor they get prostitute because they the ghosts only. They don't show vagina but they should bush.


Mexico Senator if you did. Yeah. All right here we say no penetration, no pen, no pen, maybe


#437: How To Just Ask Her Out Already w/ Jake Hurwitz of Thursday Labs


#435: How To Not Present Fun Videos Because It Will Upset the Ghosts